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"Ebony is an absolute inspiration! Her passion, dedication and commitment to young dancers and the dance industry is phenomenal.  My two eldest daughters Ava and Tilly have been working under Ebony’s guidance for two and a half years and my younger daughters, Greta and Lola started at the beginning of 2014.

My girls adore Ebony and they look forward to every dance class. They take enormous pride in grooming and wearing their beautiful ballet uniform.  From the moment the classes start, Ebony is completely absorbed in educating each individual in the room. She demonstrates a great balance of being firm but kind.

Ebony treats every student equally and my girls are benefiting from her positive attention and feedback.

At the end of each class, my girls are incredibly happy, excited and satisfied that they are learning everything there is to know about their chosen discipline. They are progressing rapidly and have increased their weekly classes, in preparation for graduating to Pointe.  

This is the real thing in its purest form!

Thanks Ebony x"


"Miss Ebony is an incredibly dedicated dance teacher. Inspiring actually! The rapport that she has with her students is amazing to see. She is kind, caring and patient and always has time for parent's enquiries. She is so incredibly attentive to her students and their individual levels and needs ; I have watched my own daughter go from having two left feet to become an extremely competent and confident dancer who is now preparing for her Primary Ballet exam in September! 

Ebony teaches with so much enthusiasm and passion, it is no wonder her school has grown to three schools within the Surfcoast community. As a parent  of a dance student at Élevé Ballet School I couldn't recommend Ebony highly enough. She should be extremely proud of her achievements thus far and I know with her dedication to students of dance, she will continue to excel as a woman in business."


"My daughter Lola is really loving her ballet classes. She says she has learnt so much already even though she has only been attending for a few weeks. She loves the way you are incorporating teaching theory into the dance classes.


I myself have been very impressed from day one with your professional approach, positive attitude, excellent communication and attention to detail.

We are very lucky to have a ballet studio of such high calibre open up in the small town of Lorne. Your enthusiasm and love for ballet is obvious to all and it's great that you have provided so much more than ballet classes alone. The local fitting you thought to organise was a great idea and Lola is very excited about the upcoming trip to see the Australian ballet perform which you are organising for the girls."



“Thank you Ebony for all your time, encouragement, technique and love that you give the girls.

There is a wonderful balance of discipline, fun and self-confidence being instilled in the girls under your guidance.

You have taught my daughter proper technique and with this she has formed a great love for ballet.”




"Congratulations on your nomination for a Surf Coast Shire International Women’s Day 2014 Reward and Recognition Program in the ‘culture’ category. Your contribution to the community through your involvement in expanding dance tuition in rural communities is an inspiration to others."

-Cr Rose Hodge (Fmr Mayor, Surfcoast Shire, Torquay.)

Awards & Professional Achievements

2014 Nominated for a Telstra Business Women's Award
2014 Nominated for a Surf Coast Shire International Women’s Day Award
2014 Appointed to Victorian committee of the Australian Institute of Classical Dance (AICD)
2015 Nominated for an Australia Day 'Citizen of The Year' Award
2017 Appointed to Queensland committee of AICD


ebony wakefield, ballet classes in Brisbane, ballet classes in Moorooka, ballet classes in south brisbane, dance classes in brisbane, ballet classes in holland park, dance classes in brisbane, Eleve Ballet Studio
ebony wakefield, ballet classes in Brisbane, ballet classes in Moorooka, ballet classes in south brisbane, dance classes in brisbane, ballet classes in holland park, dance classes in brisbane, Eleve Ballet Studio
ebony wakefield, ballet classes in Brisbane, ballet classes in Moorooka, ballet classes in south brisbane, dance classes in brisbane, ballet classes in holland park, dance classes in brisbane, Eleve Ballet Studio
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